BBS Wirtschaft 1 Ludwigshafen
About our Organization
Like no other part of the building, the tower of the BBSW1 Ludwigshafen symbolizes the eventful history of this school, which is over a hundred years old.
We are a VET college with 1.600 students and 85 staff members. We offer initial VET as well as further education and A-Level degrees.
The European profile of BBS Wirtschaft I in Ludwigshafen on the other hand is diverse.
We offer additional European qualifications such as the EBBD (Certificate of Excellence in European Business Behavior and Democracy) and the ‚European Clerk‘ (Europakaufmann). In this way, we strengthen professional competencies for a European labor market and promote international professional mobility, among other things because all students and trainees who acquire these additional qualifications complete a minimum of 4 weeks of internship abroad.
Language certificates and vocational and applied foreign language instruction are of particular importance to us. Students and trainees receive special support in preparing for language certificates, e.g. through preparatory courses.
We also take the European perspective into account in media education, which is reflected, among other things, in our certification as an ICDL examination center and the numerous ICDL examinations successfully taken in recent years. Colleagues successfully use eTwinning for virtual international projects, as evidenced, among other things, by our Quality Label and eTwinning School awards.
We are an ambassador school of the European Parliament, with our junior and senior ambassadors organizing and participating in a variety of activities (European project days, discussion groups, Brussels trip).
Meeting other young Europeans is also of great importance. For example, every year we organize Global Days or take part in Global Days of partner schools, where students work in international groups on projects related to the European Union. Long-standing student exchange programs with Lorient and Czestochowa offer further opportunities for direct contact and the acquisition of intercultural skills.
In addition to the students and trainees, the teaching staff is also involved at European level, not only in organizing internships and student exchanges abroad, but also by participating in Erasmus+ projects and taking advantage of international teacher training and job shadowing opportunities or teaching at partner schools.
Our school is also an active member of European networks (EBBD and EfVET (European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training).
Why we are Participating in the Project
We already participated in the previous successful Selfie WBL project which was the predecessor to this follow up project. We think that Selfie is a great tool to evaluate how advanced schools are in digital technologies and that this is of a high importance. This project should help everyone that uses the selfie tool to transform their results into a digital action plan.
Our Role in the Project
To be sure that this follow-up project can help every school in Europe, we need to have different perspectives from different countries and different school systems. Otherwise this project would be too one-dimensional on one particular system. We will represent Germany and have a look at the German results of the first Selfie WBL project and bring in our perspective from our school system.
Our Team

Wolfgang Stutzmann
Before taking up the position as acting principal at BBS Wirtschaft I in Ludwigshafen, Mr. Stutzmann was permanent deputy principal at BBS Andreas-Albert-Schule in Frankenthal. In addition to ten years as principal, he also brings practical experience in the IT industry and over 20 years of experience in European projects in the context of vocational education.
Frank Schwaller
Frank Schwaller is a business teacher with an IT background and also one of the department heads of the vocational school. His last project was about digitization in vocational training in cooperation with a global chemical company and other vocational schools in Ludwigshafen. Among other things, he is responsible for industrial clerks, European clerks and IT clerks.

Marco Martini
Marco Martini is an IT-Teacher at BBS Wirtschaft 1 Ludwigshafen. In addition to teaching, his main concerns are to promote the digitalization of the school and to take the teaching staff along with him and support them in this.